'Say He Went Missing at the Playground' - The Rupture

When my two-year-old became obsessed with his shadow, his obsession took the shape of fear, a frantic fruitless running away. I was dismayed but not surprised; these things, they run in the blood. After many tears, he came to a place of peace, followed by transfixion. We walked down the sidewalk and he waved, Hello Tito shadow, he'd say. Tito is what he called himself. 

Our daily walk to the playground tripled in length because, depending on the angle of the sun, following the shadow meant walking into lawns and neighbors' driveways, crossing the street with eyes glued to asphalt. As the days cooled and shortened, I planned ahead, made sure we walked at midday, hoped he didn't notice his diminutive ghost. I found myself praying for clouds, for rain, for night. 

Doesn't it worry you? I said to my husband while I fixed my hair, trying to keep my voice light.